Our Story

In the heart of Noordgesig, Soweto, there lived a determined and compassionate young man named Sandro. Growing up surrounded by challenges like poverty, unemployment and high crime, Sandro found solace and purpose in barbering from a young age.

At just 13 years old, he started honing his skills, dreaming of a brighter future not just for himself but for his community. Years passed, and in 2018, Sandro’s dream materialized into RoughCutzbarber, his very own barbershop. However, Sandro’s vision extended far beyond just running a successful business. He wanted to be a beacon of hope and change in Noordgesig, where crime and drug addiction often overshadowed the potential of its youth.

With determination and unwavering belief, Sandro not only provided top-notch haircuts but also created job opportunities for his childhood friends who were at risk of falling into the traps of crime and drug addiction. He believed that by giving them a purpose and a means to earn a living, he could steer them away from destructive paths.

RoughCutzbarber quickly became more than just a place for haircuts; it became a community hub where young people found mentorship, support, and a sense of belonging. Sandro’s dedication to empowering his friends and neighbors resonated throughout Noordgesig, inspiring others to believe in a brighter future. As the years went by, RoughCutzbarber grew not just in popularity but in impact. Crime rates in the area decreased, and more and more young people found meaningful employment and purpose within Sandro’s barbershop.

His commitment to saying no to crime and drug addiction resonated deeply with the community, fostering a sense of pride and unity. Sandro’s journey with RoughCutzbarber serves as a testament to the power of entrepreneurship, determination, and community upliftment.

Through his actions, he proved that with a strong vision and a heart for others, one person can indeed make a profound difference in their neighborhood, shaping a brighter and safer future for generations to come.